This brings me to the question: What about your life? is it meaningful? does it have to be?are you happy? what would it take for you to be truly happy? is the answer out of you reach?could you ever be happy, even though you may never have what you want? Like many people, I have had some very sad times in my life, and during those times, I was truly sad and depressed, but there always seemed that I could muster some joy and laughter during those times. I cannot explain why, but I could. I used to think that I was just masking over my problem by making jokes, and acting silly, but now that I contemplate those times, I was truly, for small fleeting moments, really happy! I have always been a "count your blessings" sort of guy, but even if I wasn't, I still think that I can always find some small thing to be happy about when I am sad. Maybe you are not one of those people who can do that, BUT I am willing to loan you some of my happiness; and you don't have to pay me back, just pay it forward to the next person when you can. Things are really bad on my job right now, because the company we work for may not survive, and many people may lose their jobs. Today, I heard of 2 suicides of workers in other areas, and it surely did sadden me because I cannot see why someone would want to take his or her own life, but I understand how one can be so sad that he may want to die, and that can grow into a deeper enough depression that the person can't even think straight anymore. Where there is life, there is HOPE, and EVEN if you have to live the rest of your life as a sad person, you can find some brief periods of happiness; take these little epihonies, and try to make them last longer each time, and then try to link them together between the sad and lonely times; eventually, you will find that life IS worth living, and there is some value to waking up in the morning. Notice that I have not shared a bunch of "spiritual stuff" here because I think spiritualizing every thing we do causes us to put on masks. Spiritual things, namely God are important, but I just want to identify the problem of dealing with sadness today; another day, I will get into the DEEP spiritual meanings of things. Have a nice day.
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