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What satan meant for evil...God Meant for Good
Undoubtedly one of the most evil acts in the history of mankind were the atrosities of the Adolf Hitler regime. A story that was related to me during that time will be imbedded in my heart until the day I die, and I hope that I can do it justice by retelling it. It seems that a certain Jewish prisoner was given the daily task of cleaning the latrine of a certain German officer's quarters. The German officer had the disgusting and spiteful habit of using the pages of a Holy Bible to wipe himself after deficating. He threw the pages into a garbage can, kowing that the assigned Jewish prisoner would have to empty on a daily basis. Upon finding the soiled pages in the can, the prisoner secretly took each page, and washed the defication off, and dried them in the sun. He then began to read these pages, and after reading the story of Jesus, and His mighty power to save, the man gave his heart to Jesus, and was gloriously saved. One day, he became sick, and was sent to the doctor, where he shared his faith with the doctor, who subsequently accepted Christ as savior, and the doctor began to share his faith with others, as well.
The Word of God is alive, and NOTHING will defeat it.
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