Monday, July 24, 2006


Susan's work seems to be never ending; it is not something that she asked for, but willingly and lovingly does from her heart, and God keeps working in her and through her, and I am honored to be any part of it, even if it were to just carry her bags. I think because Susan is such a sensitive person(sensitive is the way) that she remains a vessel for her wonderful music to be poured into. Some people(the more ignorant ones) have a concept that if a person is going to produce music that is just "HAS" to be perfect or close to perfection to be good. Those individuals has missed the mark when it comes to ministering to people; they don't understand that making big impressions pale in comparison to reaching the hearts and souls of others who are hurting or grieving. I think that there was a time when this mindset discouraged Susan; Why? because it was meant to discourage her...over time, I think that she has become focused on her gift in such a way that what other people think... does not matter. Given that fact, she still just wants to be a blessing, and she is!!!


On Sept 9th, Susan will be performing for the dedication of two 9/11 Memorial for the Firefighters. and one for the 9/11 victims and their respective families. She is so humbled to have been invited to the event. When she wrote the song, her sincere prayer was that one day, she could at least place a copy of the recording of the song in the hands of the victims and/or their familes. Not only has that prayer been answered, but she will personally meet many of them, and sing the song for them. God is good ...all the time!!!


On Friday, we picked up 1,000 double CD's of two of Susan's albums, produced by Anaphora music; our first time to do business with these folks, and overall, we are very pleased. Susan will give these CD's as a gift, as long as they last in NY, next week. Our prayer is that we can get them shipped up there, safely and on time. We also have a sound system with stands, and we will have our hands full handly all of that on the airplane, so please pray for us.


To say that I LOVE the woman named Susan D. Wiseman is a "way" mild understatement. I have met possibly every type person that one could think of in this life, from the demon-possessed, to the finest Christian, and I can attest that Susan has all of the wonderful qualities of what one would search a lifetime to find in a person. Mere words cannot describe how I feel about her both as my wife, a person of TRUE integrity, and my one and only true best friend of all time. I know that other men feel the same way about their wives(Yeah, like you Benjamin), but I am particularly blessed to know her, and be married to her at the same time. So that being said, I can honestly say that supporting her in her gift of song is not ony a priviledge, but a duty, a calling, and an honor; need I say more? I will have more when we return from NY