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Do You Know God?
I won't go into a long tirade about your relationship with God, but I have posed this question for the purposes of asking all of us to do a self-examination to determine if we truly have a one on one relationship with Jesus. The little illustration above is not meant to insult anyone either. I found it in a old book, from the 1930's, and it's theme is based on the scripture where Jesus states that no man can serve two masters; he will love the one and hate the other. It is very simple, when we come to Jesus, we cannot be tampering with the things of the world any longer, for after our surrender to God, we are not our own, we are bought with the Blood of the Lamb. Take a few minutes to study the picture, and see how that with Jesus in our "driver's seat", we can and will have a victorious Christian life. With satan in control, we were going nowhere but a "dead-end" street.
With That Being Said...
Now that we are living for God, then how do we know what His will is for our life? Well, there was a time in my life that I didn't feel comfortable going forward with anything, until I had a clear picture from God as to what I should do next. I found out that even though God wants us to seek His will, that we "see through a glass darkly", and with our eyesight, we don't always see clearly, even when God is trying to tell us something; so I began to step out in faith more and more, and do what Proverbs teaches us to "trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."
We are really pretty stupid, especially when we think that we are smart. I find that I am smartest when I ask God to think for me. When I get in that mode, many times miraculous, supernatural things happen. So, to me, it is just that simple. I have had people (even really good, well meaning Christian ones) try to tell me and even dictate to me what God's will is for my life, and I have even tried to make my plans fit to God's Word, and visa versa(making God's Word to comply with my plans) This is called manipulation.
On Our Own?
Jesus said that He would not leave us alone, but would send us a comforter, the Holy Spirit, oh yeah, that's God, too! Well, if we ask God to go with us, He promises that He will, and not leave us floundering in a sea of helplessness. So that's really how I determine God's will...I don't...He does, and I try to follow, when I am awake(alert) enough to hear His voice(that still quiet one), and then, that peace that passes all understanding comes, I walk through the doors that He opens.
Oh yeah, sometimes He provides a window that I have to crawl out of...oh yeah, sometimes, He knocks down a whole wall for me ...thank you Jesus! Oh yeah, many times, God directs, protects, leads, and does things for us that we don't even know that He does, and we may not know about those things this side of Heaven. So the key element here is total trust in God.
So if you want to know God's will, ask Him; He will show you, but not always in some "crystal ball" visionary way. Guess what; He is not obligated to show us the entire painting; he is the artist, we are the canvas; if we could know all of the answers, we would not need God, but we do need Him, and that's a good thing! There are also very obvious things that we know are or are not God's will. Those are the "givens" in life; we know the basics of right from wrong, and we must adhere to those principles.
Keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep dreaming. Love God, praise Him for who He is. Praise Him for all the mighty things that he has done. Love everyone, even when it hurts, the pain will subside! Be joyous!
"Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God"
I Corinthians 10:31