Friday, March 16, 2007

A Special Message to Everyone That I Know

Hello everyone...that is, all of you that know me. This message is written especially for all of you. Most of you have been around me for many years, you have probably seen me at my worst and best; hopefully you have not ever seen me at my "very" worst, or you would have never wanted to be in my presence, ever! Most people who associate with me know that I really try to be a nice guy, but fail miserably, at times.
Some of you have really been angry with me at times, and some of you have really been nice to me, as well. I probably earned your anger, and appreciate your kindness, and forgiveness for the times when I behaved badly.

It is No Secret
Of course, it is no secret that I am a born again Christian, and again, no secret that I am far from perfect. Guess what, that Bible that I believe in tells me that one day, I will be perfect, even as Jesus is perfect. Until then, you will just have to put up with me, I apologies! Before I became a Christian, many people tried to shove "religion" down my throat, and I vowed many years ago that I would try not to be obnoxious when I tell people about Jesus, and the salvation that only He can give. At the same time, I must be a real man, and be willing to stand strong for the fundamentals of the faith.

So Why Am I Writing This?

Good question...I just wanted to tell you all how much I care about you and your life, and how much your friendships have meant to me over the years. I think the thing of utmost importance here is that I want to convey to you a truth about what I believe to be our last days on this Earth. can laugh, and I am not making any predictions here, but after many years of study, I have come to the conclusion that we could possibly see the end of this Earth as we know it in our lifetime. No one really knows but God Himself, but His Word does teach us how to recognize some of the signs. Either way, I am very happy about it all.

This Is Not All There Is
Well, with the exception of all of the bad things that happen daily on this Earth, I am, for the most part, really enjoying my life. I also know that many of you are really enjoying yours, too. One thing that I am sure of is that this life, as we know it, will come to a screeching halt one day, either to death, or the end of the world! When people hear the end of the world spoken of, they think many things. Some think that it is a bunch of "wacko" stuff; some think that it is a bunch of "overly religious" stuff, and just refuse to talk to anyone about it, because, well, it's all just a little too weird. Well, I, for one, am really happy that this is NOT all there is; there really is a life after this one; there is just too much evidence to think otherwise.

Religion or Relationship?
I have heard some of you say that you respect the fact that I am a very religious person...and I am sure that you mean that respectfully, while some of you actually are thinking that I am a religious "nut" that has gone "too far" with religion in my life. I have a surprise for most of you...I don't
consider myself to be a "religious" person at all!!!
You might ask,"How could this be?" Well, I will tell you...try to understand that my beliefs are not part of any religion, but totally in regards to a personal "relationship" with the one and only Jesus Christ, and furthermore, that I firmly believe that HE always "was" for eternity past... and always "is" for eternity future. I really don't care what other "religions" may teach; I know the truth, and the truth is this... God, the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit always were, and this eternal God is NOT three gods in one, BUT... One God, with three distinct attributes. The human mind cannot really conceive of this, but that fact does not make God any less than what I just decribed for you.
This God, this incredibly, amazing God has always had a plan; a plan that involves you and me. We are able through the study of His Word to understand many of His ways, and many aspects of His plan, but because we are still simply humans, we cannot begin to comprehend the whole picture.

I want to share one verse from the Bible, inspired by God, and written by a very wise man named Solomon. It is Proverbs 3:5&6
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; in all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
I would say that this verse is my "theme song", and I can tell you some true stories of how trusting God has really blessed me many, many times. Who do you trust? Yes, I know that there are people in our lives that we feel are trustworthy, like our husbands and wives, best friends, etc., but we all let each other down from time to time, to one degree or another. God on the other hand, is always God, and He can't lie or fail.
Many have said to me that if God were real, that He would not allow all of the bad things to happen in the world to people, but I say to them that since God, being God, the creator of the entire universe, knows all things, sees all things, understands all things into the past, that has no beginning, and the future, that has no end. God can see millions of light years into space, and can look onto the deepest parts of the ocean's floor, 12 miles down, and see creatures that we may never see, and He can think, and they will cease to exist. An awesome God like this truly does know best, and He also knows the "whys", when we may never know this side of Heaven. That's where my "lean not unto your own understanding"comes in. If I acknowledge Him in all of my ways, He promises to direct my paths.

So What is the Point?
Many of you know and understand me, quite well, but the rest of you wonder what I am really all about. To those of you who really don't understand me, that's cool, but know this, I care about what happens to you, especially when you leave this Earth. The old saying "here today, gone tomorrow" is not a fable. No one is ever guaranteed another minute! Please don't ever think(like I once did, as a foolish young man) that you are invincible.
Here's the deal; everything that we see happening all around the world, even in your town, is all part of a real story that is playing itself out. God is in control of it, even though there is a battle going on between good and evil. God will prevail, He always has, and always will. So if you don't understand all of this, I at least do understand enough of it to help you. I am not any better or "holier" than anyone. But for the amazing grace of God, I am just a man, and a real loser, to boot. You can always talk to me about any of this. I will help you any way that I can.
There was a time in my life that I really thought that God, Jesus, and the Bible were all some "fairy tale". KNOW THIS! One day, long ago, in Heaven, a beautiful Angel named Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven, and cast down on this Earth; his name was changed to satan; he took control of this Earth, including the people, in many ways. One day very soon, God is going to take it all back; the Earth, the money(all money, or anything of value is really God's, none of it is ours)...everything! God does not want any person on this Earth to perish. God did not create Hell for people; He made it for the devil and his rebellious angels. God does not send people to Hell; they send themselves! Remember, this is NOT about religion, it is about relationship. Please come to me and we can talk; if you disagree with me, we can still talk. My point here it that I care about you...end of story.
p.s. Oh yeah, to all of my Christian friends...please pass this on to anyone you know who has not seen or talked to me in a while. I care about them, too.