Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Come In God!

Many are familiar with this painting, based on the scripture from Revelation 3:20, where Jesus says, "Yea, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with me."

I think that establishing in one's mind exactly who Jesus is, according to the Bible is the first step in coming to God. Don't take it from me, don't take it from some religion, don't ask man, ask God. In His word, God makes extensive and continuous promises to us about those who seek. "Seek, and you shall find, knock, and the door will be opened"...So...if we ask Him, He promises to give the answer; it may not come exactly when or how we perceive it to be, but it WILL come. He has shown me...I believe that Jesus IS God, so many years ago, I asked Him into my heart...He came, He saved my soul...and since that time, I have been in and out of fellowship with Him. Being IN is better, so I keep re-opening the door; He is always standing there, waiting to come in. Although I do believe that initially, I was saved, and my name was written in the Lamb's book of Life. I have, from time to time lost my appreciation of whose I am, and who gave His life to save me.

When you are sitting in your home, and you hear a knock at the door, and you know who it is, and if the door is unlocked, then you say..."Come on in!"

  • Do you hear the knock at the door?
  • Do you know who He is?
  • Is the door of your heart unlocked?
  • Are you asking Him to come in?

Into my heart... into my heart...come into my heart...Lord Jesus.

Come in today

Come in to stay

Come into my heart

Lord Jesus

Friday, May 19, 2006

Alone With God...God Alone


As I stood on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, gazing at this scene, I had an experience that will never be forgotten. Rushing into my senses was the incredible, immeasurable, power and presence of God, and His universe, a part of which I realized and comtemplated my "smallness"and seemingly insignificance. The next few entries on this blogsite will deal with experiencing the presence of God, and how we may teach ourselves how to return to that private place that He has kept reserved for us.

Getting alone with God is something that many don't understand, and because of that, they don't pursue the experience. There are others that don't "know" God, so getting alone with Him would be completely foreign to them. Then there are those who are so hungry just to experience a few moments of solitude in the presence of the God of the universe; the creator of all things. In the Bible, Collossians says that (in regard to Jesus) that by Him, and for Him, all things were created. To me, this substantiates the fact that Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit of God, were for eternity past in Heaven("let us create man in our own image"), and that Jesus came out of Heaven to become a man who laid his life down as a sacrifice for our sin.
Regardless of your concept of God, it is the desire of this writer to help all understand that God is real; He loves us; He wants to spend time with us; since He is always there, then where did we go? Most of the time, it is away from the presence of God, for we are human, and easily distracted by the things of this life, like practically everything that we do. So what is the answer? How do we get into that intimate, one on one, "alone-ness" with God? Think about it.

Notice what I just said...think about it...that's it! You see, our mind is directly connected to our spirit, and when we think on certain things, that is where our spirit goes. The Bible says," As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." So our first step to getting alone with God is to think about Him. When a man calls his lover, who he has not seen for a while, one of the first things he says to her is,"Honey, I have been thinking about you, or I have not been able to take my mind off of you." The same type of principle is true concerning God. It does help if we know Him, or have some sort of knowledge of how much He loves us, and when we fall in love with God, we seem to want more of Him in our lives. But we get off track, we lose focus, we get distracted, we forget who we really belong to. When we begin to think about God, and think often, He begins to DO things in our lives, and unless we are in tune with him, we miss it.

So think about God as often as you can; try it. I go to these awesomely beautiful places, and I am immediately reminded of how wonderful, and vast God really is. But we can obtain His presence by simply just asking Him to come in, and habitually thinking about Him; He will take care of the rest. Remember...God Alone=Alone with God=God Alone. Next time we will discuss the topic entitled "Come In God!!"

p.s. We ARE NOT insignificant to God!